"> '); Does Grammar Matter Anymore? – ESL Freeway

Does Grammar Matter Anymore?

The world is constantly evolving and changing. In many countries, formal business dress codes have been replaced with informal, comfortable clothes. Since the Covid-19 lockdown, many people have been working from home, and corporate offices no longer exist. With all of these changes and the move to a more informal world, it may be valid to ask if grammar matters anymore.

Grammar is important as it plays a critical role in preventing ambiguity and confusion in written and verbal English communication. Grammar clarifies meaning. It also conveys respect to the reader or listener and establishes the speaker’s authority. It keeps English comprehension uniform.

Text messaging, a lack of reading, and generally poor attention to detail have made many people think that grammar is an old-fashioned skill that is no longer needed.

Is Grammar Still Relevant?

Some people will argue that languages are living entities, constantly morphing and evolving. As such, does grammar have any use in modern-day English?

People who perpetuate the idea that grammar does not matter anymore have not studied what happens to communication if you omit grammar rules.

Grammar is still relevant and vital for communication in the modern world.

Grammar Clarifies Meaning

Grammar is not just a set of rules designed to make our lives difficult. Grammar, including punctuation, significantly contributes to the meaning of sentences.

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Punctuation Errors Change Meaning

Correct punctuation is vital to communicate the correct meaning. Here are some examples:

Let’s eat Uncle Joe. Versus: Let’s eat, Uncle Joe.
My hobbies include dancing dogs and running. Versus: My hobbies include dancing, dogs, and running.
I think we should cook Mom. Versus: I think we should cook, Mom.

Word Order Is Important For Meaning

If the word order is used incorrectly, it can cause ambiguity and miscommunication.

Oxford Royale provides this example:

Early men hunted mammoths armed with spears.

In this sentence, we are unsure of who was using the spears! The sentence would make more sense if it were written as:

Armed with spears, early men hunted mammoths.

Another example: I saw lots of rabbits climbing the mountain.
A clearer way sentence construction would be: Climbing the mountain, I saw lots of rabbits.
An even better way: While climbing the mountain, I saw lots of rabbits.

Tense Markers Give Us Temporal Information

I saw the dog in the bushes. The event happened in the past.
I see the dog in the bushes. The event is current.

He walked home. A previous event.
He walks home. The sentence tells us how John gets home regularly – he walks home every day.
He is walking home. The event is happening currently.

These are only a few examples of why grammar is still essential for clarity in meaning.

Also check out: Why Is Grammar hard?

Good Grammar Creates a Favorable Impression

Most people subconsciously judge someone based on their language, including their grammar usage.

If someone applies for a job with a resumé full of grammatical errors, that person is less likely to get the job. The employers will assume the applicant cannot communicate well.

Listeners ascribe more authority and knowledge to someone that uses correct grammar. They will value the speaker’s opinion more than if poor grammar is used.

Using correct grammar when speaking to someone conveys respect. If we want to impress someone, we instinctively try to use our best English.

Also read: Is ‘Bad Grammar’ Grammatically Correct?

Correct Grammar Makes English Uniform

Adhering to grammar rules makes English uniform so that every English speaker understands the same or a similar message from the communication.

If each area or person uses their own grammar, the English world will cease to function. It would be similar to the Biblical tower of Babel, where people did not understand each other and perceived only a meaningless babble.

Presenting the English language in a form standardized by grammar rules allows foreign speakers to understand English messages and learn English.


Grammar plays a critical role in English and is still relevant and needed in modern communication.

Recommended reading: Does Grammar Include Spelling?

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